King Joe 1916-2023


Thursday, 6 April 2023 // Iou’s Camp / American in London

8:52 PM


Full moon, 99.9%.

Actual full moon is at 11:51 and I had better be asleep by then

So many things I could cover. Going backwards: _ meals with yellow end to bit away _ sunset squalls over the ocean _ Marc’s Point bench _ an hour and a half snorkeling over the reef / beche de mer _ a good bath _ new mats and the KUC mwaneaba _ my drone over Poland _ war in Ukraine _ kicking the kid while I was painting _ city and government living versus subsistence country life: John Bryden vs Iou Teeta _ driving and motorcycles and roads grandfather _ new roof at camp; new kia-kia _ easter _ crazy guy who showed up at camp at midnight on foot _ children know my name into villages; one says he has an I-Matang grandfather _ art and design project with banners _ design four scarves: birds, fish, flora,

Tools to buy Iou Teeta, that he may use them at Paris: _ rake _ plane _ pull- shaver




Scott Chavez / Way Maker

Oahu, 18-23

Ran into him [Scott, 60?] in London, on Christmas island. He walked past the house where I am staying, looked into the yard, and did a double-take when he saw me. Yes, someone who looked sort of like him. An American.

He and his wife and son stopped for diesel, sailing from Tahiti to Honolulu. They only planned on staying long enough to fuel up. I can’t understand traveling by sea, over more than 2000 miles, and when you finally stop and set foot on solid ground, you don’t want to explore. Do you want to see who lives there or what they are doing.

He asked me where the bank was and it was easier to just put him on the back of my motorcycle and give him a ride. Just a couple minutes away by motorcycle or it would’ve been another walk for him.

Friendly enough, told me their main sail had ripped. Have only owned the boat since November, had never done any deep water sailing, but a lot of sailing up in the Pacific Northwest.


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