King Joe 1916-2023



I’ve been keeping journals for decades. Usually need two per year. For 2023, am about to run out of pages long before I leave Kiritimati.

I have also kept my “manager’s journal,” a nod to the manager’s journal started by Fr. Rougier, maintained by all managers when he was not on the island, and eventually under the care, updates of Joe English. I’ve had that journal for decades.

In the manager’s journal there are only one or two lines about daily activities: “Drove to Poland with crew,” or “Maintained roads” or “No rain.” With that in mind, have dedicated a journal exclusively for daily activities, little editorializing. Instead of a few lines, have gone into more detail.

When asked by Jennifer Hill, was I planning a blog, the answers was a firm NO. It would mean even more writing, and at 1/2 hour per page, I noted it was difficult enough keeping up with my other writing, considering my other tasks (interviews, sketches, painting, travel, etc).

I came up with what I believe to be a novel and appropriate solution to the “blog” notion. For years I’ve used the dictation feature on my iPhone’s NOTES application for both brief notes, and longer text. For this project, I dictate when I feel like it, and will spend between a few minutes to an hour or more, pontificating on a subject or matter at hand. I believe this technique allows for spontaneity and the ability to be very much in the moment, as well as approach subjects with a bit more consideration.

Journal Entries

Photo Galleries